18 JAN 2013 by ideonexus

 When Does Human Life Begin

Careful and reproducible observations and measurements in the bbiosciences have similarly forced us to repeatedly refine our traditional ideas about what life itself is and when it begins. Is a human being first a life when it emerges from the birth canal? Does it have any legal rights is as a person before then? Or is it a life at the stage of development where > it is able to survive independently outside of the womb even if it is removed from there early, as can happen naturally with pr...
Folksonomies: science biology life abortion
Folksonomies: science biology life abortion
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Is it at fertilization, implantation, or after birth?

18 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 Primitive Women were Scientists

rhe systematic development of knowledge and technology that we all 'science' originated in the millennia of prehistory, and early vomen were among these first 'scientists'. They invented tools, accumulated knowledge about edible and medicinal plants, and 3robably discovered 'the chemistry of pot-making, the physics of spinning, the mechanics of the loom, and the botany of flax anc ;otton'.i These developments occurred over long periods of time arising independently in different parts of the w...
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With gathering being our primary mode of operation in primitive society, the responsibility fell on women to do the scientific research.